DESL: Quartus
The DESL labs depends heavily on the use of commercial software for both design circuits and compiling software into a process. Courses use Altera's Quartus II Version 15 and associated Nios II development kit. You will be able to access it in one of four ways:
1. On your own home computer.
This software requires a Windows 7 computer with at least 8 Gbyte of physical RAM.
you will need to download and install software, from Altera in the order below.
Before doing so, you will need to create a myAltera account by filling out an online form,located here:
- myAltera account
this form asks for your name and address. You can use:
University of Toronto as the company
10 kings College Rd, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 3G4 as the address
If you do not wish to use your own address.
Once you have acquired this account, follow this proceedure to install Quartus on your home computer;
- go to the main Altera web page
Altera home page
Select download located at top left of web page
Select download next to the Quartus II Web Edition ,make sure it is version (15) of Quartus.
Once installed you will have Quartus, NIOS, and Modelsim Starter. All programs do not need a license to run
You have now completed the home installation of all files to run Quartus.
2. On Windows Machines in the DESL.
Bahen 3135, 3145, 3155 and 3165 There are a total of 104 Windows 7-based machines running on DEll Optiplex 9020 (Intel core i7 - 4790 processor), 16Gbit memory platform. These will have
the latest release of enterprise Altera software installed on them (not the Web version). These
machines will have access to your home directory on the ECF file server.
3. On Windows Machines identical to those in the DESL labs
Sandford Fleming Building SF520. There are a total of 40 Windows 7-based machines running on DEll Optiplex 9020 (Intel core i7 - 4790 processor), 16Gbit memory platform. These will have
the latest release of enterprise Altera software installed on them (not the Web version). These
machines will have access to your home directory on the ECF file server.
4. On the ECF PC Systems
Quartus is available on the ECF Windows PC systems. You can use the same account as you use in the DESL labs to access your home directory.