Lab 3: Subroutines and C

More on the Nios II Application Binary Interface
Preparation (2 marks)
In Lab (2 marks)
Quiz (1 mark)


The purpose of this lab is to introduce subroutines, by writing assembly language subroutines that call and are called by C subroutines.

The purpose of a subroutine is to decompose a larger program into relatively self-contained modules that can be easily composed together. Since functions are often written by different people (or compilers), functions must agree on a common set of rules on how they interact: how to pass parameters from caller to callee, how to pass a return value back to the caller, and what registers a function is allowed to modify ("clobber"). This set of rules is commonly known as an Application Binary Interface (ABI). Following an ABI allows functions to call other functions without needing to know the internal details of the functions. We will be using the Nios II ABI (mainly pages 7-2 to 7-9).

In this lab, you are provided with three functions in C (that obey the Nios II ABI). Each function takes one integer parameter and prints it out (on the Monitor program's Terminal) as an octal, hexadecimal, and decimal number, respectively:

void printOct ( int val );
void printHex ( int val );
void printDec ( int val ); 

For example, calling printOct(10) results in 12 being printed on the terminal.

Preparation: Do the questions from the Preparation section below before attempting to write the code.

Yes, really.

Part 1: Calling a function (0 marks)

Write an assembly program that prints out 10 in octal, hexadecimal, and decimal. The output should be the following:


Part 2: Being called by a function (2 marks)

In this part, you are to write an assembly function that is both called by a C function, and calls other C functions. You are given a main function in C (lab3_main.c, see below).

The program begins executing in the C main function. The main function calls a function called printn, which you are required to write in assembly. Some numbers are passed to printn, which should print out each number in either octal, hexadecimal, or decimal. Use the three C functions from Part 1 to do the printing by calling them from your assembly printn function.

The definition of the printn function, in C syntax, looks as follows:

void printn ( char *fmt, ... ); 

The printn function takes one string parameter (fmt) followed by zero or more integer parameters. "..." in C means a variable number of arguments, similar to printf or scanf. The printn function's purpose is to print out a variable number of integers, printing each integer in one of three number formats (decimal, hexadecimal, and octal). The first parameter (fmt) specifies a string (pointer to null-terminated array of chars) that defines two things:

The second and subsequent parameters are the integers you want to print. You can assume that the printn function will always be called so that the number of integers matches the size of the string specified with fmt.

For example, let's use printn to print the number 10 in octal, hexadecimal, and decimal. The C function call would look like:


The output should then be:


In summary, the main program will be responsible for calling your printn function. Then your printn function will need to call a proper print function from one of printOct, printHex, or printDec with the appropriate parameter, as shown in the diagram below:

Code diagram

More on the Nios II Application Binary Interface

Since your assembly function will be called from C, and you will be calling functions that are written in C, you will have to determine how the registers and stack are used by the C compiler, and make your assembly code consistent with it. These conventions form part of the Application Binary Interface (ABI). Read the sections on "Register Usage" and "Stacks" starting on page 7-2 of the Nios II Processor Reference Handbook. Study the tables and diagrams there. Pay particular attention to the section on stack frames for functions with variable arguments (Pages 7-5 through 7-6).

Stack Frames

When a function is called, space is allocated on the stack for use by the function. The space is used for incoming parameters for the function, saving callee-saved registers clobbered by the function (including ra), local variables, and outgoing parameters for nested function calls. All of this space that is used by one instance of a function is called a stack frame. Figure 7-3 of the Nios II Reference illustrates the contents of one stack frame. According to this definition, adjacent stack frames share the space for function parameters: Outgoing function parameters in one function are incoming function parameters for a function it calls.

Every time a function is called, a new stack frame is pushed on the stack (by the function prologue). The stack frame is used by the function until it is popped off the stack just before the function returns (by the function epilogue). A call stack consists of stack frames, one frame for each function call that is in progress and has yet to return.

A frame pointer (also called base pointer) is used to point to a fixed location near the top of each stack frame (In Nios II, fp points to the location where the previous fp is saved on the stack). It is used to make it easier for debuggers to get a complete call stack trace, and for dynamic allocation of variables on the stack. We won't be using this. See Call Stack on Wikipedia for more details on call stacks.

To help you understand the Nios II ABI, you can view the output of the compiler in the disassembly window. Even with an empty printn function, you can disassemble the program and view the compiler's output for the main function. A sample output is shown below:

C FunctionGenerated Assembly
#define  TEXT   "DDOOHH"

int main ( )
  char* text = TEXT;
  printn ( text, 16,17,18,19,20,21 );
  return 0;
addi    sp,sp,-16      # Allocate space on stack for 4 words
stw     ra,12(sp)      # Save return address to stack

movi    r2,19
stw     r2,0(sp)       # 5th parameter on stack
movi    r2,20
stw     r2,4(sp)       # 6th parameter on stack
movi    r2,21
stw     r2,8(sp)       # 7th parameter on stack

movhi   r4,0
addi    r4,r4,1080     # r4 = address of char array (i.e., string)
movi    r5,16
movi    r6,17
movi    r7,18          # 1st through 4th arguments in r4 through r7

call    printn         # Call printn function

mov     r2,zero        # main's return value (in r2) is 0
ldw     ra,12(sp)      # Restore return address
addi    sp,sp,16       # Deallocate stack space


Note that a string is really a char array, so using a string as the first function parameter results in the address of the string being passed in r4. Examine how the arguments are pushed on the stack and in what order.

Don't forget to declare the printn label as a global symbol since it must be used by another file.


Preparation (2 marks)

  1. Study the sections "Register Usage" and "Stacks" on pages 7-2 through 7-7 of the Nios II Processor Reference Handbook. Answer the following questions:
    1. Which registers are callee-saved?
    2. Which registers may change (i.e., clobbered) after calling (and executing and returning from) a function?
    3. What is the sp (or r27) register used for?
    4. Does the stack pointer point to the next empty spot, or to the last datum pushed onto the stack?
    5. What is the ra (or r31) register used for? Who saves it?
    6. Which register(s) are used to pass parameters (arguments) to a function?
    7. Which register(s) are used to return the results of a function?
    8. Figure 7-3 suggests copying r4 through r7 onto the stack in the prologue for functions with variable arguments. How can this simplify your algorithm? (Hint: Draw out the contents of the stack after r4 through r7 are pushed onto the stack.)
  2. Assuming printn was called as follows:

    Fill in the contents of the register and stack locations below as seen by the first instruction in your printn function. Also indicate where the current stack frame ends, beyond which you no longer know (nor care) what is on the stack. Assume that the string "OOOHHHDDD" is stored at the memory location 0x2000.



  3. Write the assembly code for Part 1 and Part 2. In the Altera Monitor Program, create your project using program type "C program". Include lab3_print.c to your project for Part 1 and both lab3_print.c and lab3_main.c for Part 2. Compile the code and fix any compilation errors.

In Lab (2 marks)

Demonstrate your working programs on the DE2. To run the program, load it in the Monitor, and click Continue. You can view the printed output in the Terminal window of the Monitor Program.

Package your Part 2 code into a zip file, and submit it to Blackboard.

Quiz (1 mark)

Be prepared to answer any questions about the lab and your code, function calls, passing parameters, and usage of the stack.