Lab 6: Interrupt-Driven I/O

Preparation and Quiz (3 marks)
In Lab (2 marks)


The purpose of this lab is to familiarize yourself with the use of interrupts. Interrupts are a very powerful mechanism that can be used to support multitasking, handling of exceptional conditions (i.e., unexpected results during calculation such as a division by zero), emulation of unimplemented (in hardware) instructions, single-step execution for debugging, and operating system calls/protection among others.

In this lab, you will extend your solution to Lab 5 to communicate with two new devices, the JTAG UART and timer, using interrupts, while controlling the Car World game. Specifically, you are to display the current speed of the car or the current state of the sensors in the Monitor Program terminal, using key presses to switch between these two values:


How to print to the terminal

The characters sent to the terminal JTAG UART will be displayed on the terminal window. For example, sending byte 0x34 to the terminal JTAG UART will display character '4'. In the other direction, typing in the terminal window will send data to the terminal JTAG UART (also using ASCII code).

Altera Monitor Program terminal

The Monitor Program's terminal interprets certain character sequences ("escape codes") as commands that control the terminal's output, such as clearing the window or moving the cursor. These escape codes can be found on page 24 of the Monitor Program Tutorial. The table is reproduced below. <ESC> represents a character with value 27 (0x1b). For example, sending the four-character sequence <ESC>[2K (1b 5b 32 4b) will erase an entire line.

Escape code table

How to Use Interrupts

Interrupts must be enabled in three places:

  1. Enable interrupt on the peripheral.
    For example, to configure the Timer to interrupt the processor when it times out, you need to set the 0th bit of the Timer's Control Register to 1.
  2. Unmask the IRQ line corresponding to the peripheral on the processor.
    This is done using the processor's ienable control register (ctl3). For example, the Timer is associated with IRQ line 0, so you unmask this interrupt line by setting bit 0 of ienable to high.
  3. Enable interrupts globally in the processor.
    This is done by setting bit 0 high in the processor's status (ctl0) register.

Determining the Source of an Interrupt

  1. Find out what device caused the interrupt.
    The ipending (ctl4) control register tells you which IRQ line(s) are requesting an interrupt. For example if bit 0 of ipending is high you know that the Timer is requesting an interrupt. Multiple interrupts may happen simultaneously, therefore multiple bits of the register ipending can be 1 at the same time.
  2. Find out what event caused the interrupt.
    Some devices, such as the Timer, have only one event that causes an interrupt, so the previous step is sufficient to determine the source of the interrupt. Some devices can have multiple events that cause interrupts, such as the JTAG UART with both read and write interrupts. In this case you may need to check the device's control register(s) to see what event(s) actually caused the interrupt.

Returning from an Interrupt

When a device interrupt occurs, the processor jumps to the ISR. However, we need to be able to return to the code that was executing before interrupt happened. The processor saves the address of the instruction after the instruction that was aborted in the ea (exception address) register. Therefore you must adjust the saved address in ea so that the processor re-executes the aborted instruction, by subtracting 4 from ea (each instruction is 4 bytes), then executing the eret (exception return) instruction to return to normal program execution.

How to debug interrupts

The debugger shows the state of the status, ienable, and ipending registers.

Where to Place your Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)

When a processor is interrupted, it causes the processor to jump to location 0x00000020. Your interrupt service routine must be located at this exact location. To do this, place the ISR code in the .exceptions section (rather than the usual ".text" section). The .exceptions section always starts at location 0x20. Use the code below as a template.

.section .exceptions, "ax"
  [interrupt service routine starts here at 0x20]

When compiling your code, you have to ensure that sections .exceptions (your ISR) and .text (the rest of the code) are placed in non-overlapping memory regions. To do this, change the "Linker Section Preset" to "Exceptions" when creating a new project to change the starting locations of the various sections to suitable values (.exceptions to 0x20 and .text to 0x200 by default). Overlapping sections result in an error similar to "section .exceptions loaded at [...] overlaps section .text loaded at [...]"

Linker Section Presets

After compiling your code, verify that your ISR was actually placed at address 0x00000020. You can do this by looking at the disassembly in the Monitor program. Typos are a common reason for the ISR to be placed incorrectly.


Preparation and Quiz (3 marks)

  1. How do you tell the JTAG UART to send read interrupts?
  2. How do you tell the timer to send timeout interrupts?
  3. How do you tell the processor to accept interrupts from both Timer1 and the terminal JTAG UART?
  4. Write a line of code to adjust ea before returning from the interrupt handler so that the aborted instruction will be re-executed.
  5. Which registers must you backup before overwriting inside an interrupt handler?
  6. If you want to call a function implemented in C from inside your interrupt handler, which registers must you back up?
  7. Write a simple test program to blink an LED with a period of 1 second using timer interrupts.
  8. Write a simple test program to echo characters on the terminal JTAG UART using read interrupts.
  9. Enhance your solution to Lab 5 to display speed and sensor state over the JTAG UART, as described above. Use interrupts both to read from the terminal JTAG UART and to check the Timer for a timeout.

Be prepared to answer any questions about interrupts on Nios II.

In Lab (2 Marks)

  1. Demonstrate your program. If your In Lab program doesn't work, you can demonstrate your simple test programs from the Preparation for 0.5 marks each.
  2. Submit your code on blackboard. Put all .s files that you demonstrated to your TA in a zip file called
